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Saturday, 13 June 2009

Taste London Annual Membership

Well lucky me! One of 2000 MSE'rs to get an annual membership!! For those of you who don't know about this, taste london is a special membership program where you have to pay £69.95 for an annual membership. An annual membership with Taste London entitles you to go to about 800 restaurants and chains in london to get either 50% off your final bill or 2 for 1! In order to get one of these cards, you had to go onto their website at a certain time (14:00) on Thursday 4th June. It was on a first come, first served basis and so you had to be dedicated in order to get this 'expensive freebie'.
Being worth £69.95 for 'normal people', the Taste London membership is by far the most expensive freebie I have recieved to date. Blagged especially for moneysavingexpert's, I have missed out on this deal in the past, only recieving a one month membership instead. So I was over the moon when I knew that I would not recieve an email telling me of the disappointment and finding today an envelope on the doormat with the Taste London card enclosed.

This has got to recieve full 5 stars for this freebie! Worth just below £70, its going to be a hard to beat freebie. The amounts of savings people can make with such a card can be huge.

Tomorrow, Im using the Taste London card, will write a new post if there are any problems!

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Welcome to Frevoo

A big hello to all of you reading this. I have decided to set up a blog in the name of freebies and competitions! I will review every freebie that I get, slate the freebies I don't and review the competitions I (hopefully) win!
Frevoo Should be up and running within the week, I will try to make it as good as possible and have regularly updated content.
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