Woop! A first win for a while, three Bear Grylls books written by the man himself. These fictional books are designed to help children with survival tips , whilst also providing a great storyline to go with it.
For those of you who haven't seen his hit TV series, Bear Grylls is a survival expert who goes out into the harshest of places, having to survive on his survival skills and his kit alone. He has to normally get from one side of an area to the other, crossing rainforests, deserts and even Arctic Tundra.
Of the three books I won from Match of The Day Magazine, all but one have a cool 3D effect on the front, which shows an animation which is part of the story. Although I have not read the books yet (I won them today), they do look a great read! The back of the book sounds like they are going to be a exhilarating read, and even says that there are loads of "real survival tips and gruesome stuff", sweet!