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Thursday, 18 June 2009

Free £50 Adwords!

Another 'expensive' freebie in a month! Its rare but I guess I'm lucky! Today, Google Adwords. I got a letter through the post today, it was from the best company in the world a.k.a Google. It said that because I was a member of Google Adsense, I could have a free £50 of AdWords. Basically, allowing me to have a taste of what AdWords is. Hopefully, this should help bring more traffic to Frevoo! I will be using the AdWords to promote the blog, but there is plenty you can do! Bookmark Frevoo, make it your homepage, tell your friends, anything to help!
The freebie did come as a surprise, as I didn't even ask for it! Just handing out £50 they are! So this has to boost the rating. However, I can see this as just a marketing tool to get Google more income and so it gets 4 of my precious stars.

Sunday, 14 June 2009

Michael McIntyre Live and Laughing DVD

Yet another freebie. This time, Michael McIntyre's DVD 'Live and Laughing'. I got this freebie (worth about £10) by having to sign up to a football website,football fan cast and then having to fill out a survey.
Although this was quite a short survey, I was suspicious of the website and whether the freebie would come. It seemed too good to be true to get a DVD for basically clicking on a few option boxes. After about 2 months of waiting though, it came through the post, yesterday to be precise! It came as a big shock when I opened the parcel to find Micheal McIntyre Live and Laughing DVD.
I have watched the DVD now, and being a fan of the comedian before anyway, I found this DVD to be a great freebie! I recommend it to all and if you click here, you can find out how to get one yourself!
Michael McIntyre Live and Laughing freebie gets 4 stars, only one star off for being so late in the post.
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