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Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Mystery Prize Competition is Back

Whoa, seems a long while ago that a competition was held by Frevoo! Well here you go, another mystery prize competition and all you have to do is answer the question below.
How many stars did the Pringles Xtreme Freebie get?
A. 4 stars
B. 4.5 Stars
C. 5 Stars

Email your answers, subject title being New Year Comp also include a recommendation of a freebie website to have better chances! Send to by 31 December 2009!
Good luck everyone!

400g Toblerone

Whoop! Yes, I got a free 400 gram bar of Toblerone! I cannot exactly say how I got the freebie but I remember ages ago signing up for the chocolate. It was the first 1000 people who sign up get the choc. I was one of the first, but didn't find out until today.
The 400 gram bar comes in pretty standard packaging with just an added extra - a sleeve that says "Number 1 Dad". There is nothing special about the freebie, except for that it comes with a letter saying that I won a bar.
Seeing as I like Toblerone, It's sure to get a good score. The surprise of this freebie today was simply that I had totally forgot about it because it was soooo long ago! This has a detrimental effect on the score and so a 400g bar of Toblerone gets 3.5 stars.
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