When I say in my title that I got a tongue cleaner as a freebie, I don't mean that they are giving them away to everyone. I got this freebie by a good spot on MSE (yet again!...), where you get a free £5 voucher for Goodness Direct. I spent my free £5 voucher on a tongue cleaner because personally, I didn't like the look of some soap.
I think that this is a good giveaway, and can be seen as a bit sneaky, because you are supposed to buy a magazine in order to get this special discount code. But hey, i'l grab any freebie that comes along! The tongue cleaner that came through the post after 2 days of waiting is just your normal everyday tongue cleaner. It is a small plastic thing that can fit into the palm of your hand very easily and if stood on, would probably break instantly too.
The tongue cleaner from Goodness Direct is of good quality though. It does a great job of cleaning your tongue after you have cleaned your teeth. I think that the process of getting the tongue cleaner could have been improved though because when I was ordering my free tongue cleaner, there was a slight problem that they counted P&P even though it was advertised as being free for my chosen one.
Pit Rok Tongue Cleaner gets 3.5 stars. It does the job, came quickly and ain't half bad.
P.S. If you want the link for the code, click here. Or, enter the code "32233S78" at checkout. Offer lasts until 30th Sept '09.