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Friday, 17 July 2009

Free Earphones

Another Boffer freebie to come through the post - has to be around my thrid from them now!
This time, the freebie was earphones. They appeared on Boffer's homepage with a weird image of a cat with headphones in from what I can remember, bit confusing. Being a freebie and from a 'small' company, I wasn't expecting the best quality headphones. The headphones came within 3 days of me ordering the freebie, so was very pleased with the efficiency. The headphones could be critisised for their poor build, but it is a freebie!
I have had some problems already with the Boffer headphones such as loss of sound when you spin the headphone jack in the socket and also which I found weird was there were small bits of plastic sticking out of the top of the headphones!
I can only give this Boffer Freebie 3 stars. It came very quickly through the post and the quality of sound that comes through them is average. If you are looking for regular freebies, then click here to go to Boffer's website and then bookmark it!
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