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Tuesday 1 December 2009

Dorset Cereals Competitions

Dorset cereals are doing some great competitions at the moment, I advise you to check them out before they expire.
Firstly, an advent calendar competition is being run until xmas. You get a specific prize to be won on that day and there are a number of those prizes available to be won too.
There is an instant win game on Dorset Cereals homepage too, i'm yet to win though!! You can win some of their great products with this one and has been going on for a while.
The other one is a blog competition, check it out here and vote for frevoo!

Monday 26 October 2009

Free Cinema Ticket

Another cinema ticket..
This time, to see Taking Woodstock. Which is due to be released on the 13th November and is a drama-comedy film. The process of getting free tickets is simple - find a unique code to get tickets for a nearby cinema, then go online and see if they still have spaces. After that, print out the ticket and then just turn up on the day and watch it!
Seeing as I haven't seen any adverts or researched Taking Woodstock, I don't know what to expect. The film starts at 6:30 today and the film will be reviewed on Movie Fetish.
As for this freebie, it gets 5 stars. Nothing can beat a freebie thats worth about £15, you see it before anyone else and entertains you for the day!
And again if you forgot, check out Movie Fetish to see what I thought of the film as a whole!!

Free H

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Mystery Prize Competition is Back

Whoa, seems a long while ago that a competition was held by Frevoo! Well here you go, another mystery prize competition and all you have to do is answer the question below.
How many stars did the Pringles Xtreme Freebie get?
A. 4 stars
B. 4.5 Stars
C. 5 Stars

Email your answers, subject title being New Year Comp also include a recommendation of a freebie website to have better chances! Send to by 31 December 2009!
Good luck everyone!

400g Toblerone

Whoop! Yes, I got a free 400 gram bar of Toblerone! I cannot exactly say how I got the freebie but I remember ages ago signing up for the chocolate. It was the first 1000 people who sign up get the choc. I was one of the first, but didn't find out until today.
The 400 gram bar comes in pretty standard packaging with just an added extra - a sleeve that says "Number 1 Dad". There is nothing special about the freebie, except for that it comes with a letter saying that I won a bar.
Seeing as I like Toblerone, It's sure to get a good score. The surprise of this freebie today was simply that I had totally forgot about it because it was soooo long ago! This has a detrimental effect on the score and so a 400g bar of Toblerone gets 3.5 stars.

Wednesday 23 September 2009

Magnetic Dots Freebie

As it is freebie week at Boffer, I have been lucky to get 1 of about 3 magnetic dots! When I finished my checkout stage from getting the freebie, they had ran out of stock - and that's just 1 minute after they released them as a freebie!
Magnetic dots have a variety of uses. The 4 that I got today can be used for work (organising papers into sections), for fun (throwing them up and making noises) or just to be annoying (messing up peoples laptops and phones). The 4 magnetic dots from Boffer were in a weird sort of packaging, just a small tube really. They are about 1cm in diameter, so can easily fit the set into a pocket if you wanted too.
I really like this freebie, they are around £5 on the Internet if you included postage, and seeing as I was one of about 3, they are going to get a good score :).
Magnetic Dots freebie from gets 4 stars.

Thursday 10 September 2009

Taste London Membership Giveaway

I have actually won one of these cards already (if you look in my later posts). Basically, taste London cards allow you either to get 2 for 1, or 50% off the cost. Monthly trials of taste London can be found anywhere, but I have found an annual competition, where 1000 lucky people can win a £70 membership for free!
To find out what restaurants take part in the scheme, click here.
To find the link to get the membership, click here.

Monday 7 September 2009

FHM Freebies Pack

After I had taken part in one of FHM's polls, about which companies and products were best for me, I got an unexpected reply from them, with a questionnaire attached. This questionnaire comprised of 9 questions, where I had to give them my opinion and which could be published in their December Issue of FHM.
After the questionnaire was complete, they asked for my address so that they can send me a goodie bag of freebies as a thankyou. I have to say, that is quite nice of them and if anyone from FHM reads this, thankyou! From what I have heard, the other people who got the freebie bag, didn't receive the same things as I did. Everybody's bag was different.

After just a couple of days waiting heres what I got:
Givenchy Eau De Toilette Intense sample,
Full sized Bulldog Showergel,
Full sized Lab Series Daily Moisturiser for men,
Paul Smith Eau De Toilette Men Sample,
And a pack of Bed Head products which had shampoo, conditioner and gel.

I do like the products that I was sent for such a small effort, but there are a few niggles that I have. First, it would have been a much, much better freebie if you could say what you would like. For example, I am never going to use a moisturiser or any of the tiny samples of fragrance I got. Second, the delivery time could have been better. Third, they should keep contact a bit more and maybe have a FHM panel?

Overall though, the FHM freebie pack gets 4 stars.

Wednesday 2 September 2009

Congratulations - Monica Harvey

The competition that was ran at the start of the month has sadly, come to an end. The winner of the competition was Monica Harvey.
She has won a selection of DVDs and PSP games.
Look out for the next competition, coming soon!

Thursday 27 August 2009

Tounge Cleaner Freebie

When I say in my title that I got a tongue cleaner as a freebie, I don't mean that they are giving them away to everyone. I got this freebie by a good spot on MSE (yet again!...), where you get a free £5 voucher for Goodness Direct. I spent my free £5 voucher on a tongue cleaner because personally, I didn't like the look of some soap.
I think that this is a good giveaway, and can be seen as a bit sneaky, because you are supposed to buy a magazine in order to get this special discount code. But hey, i'l grab any freebie that comes along! The tongue cleaner that came through the post after 2 days of waiting is just your normal everyday tongue cleaner. It is a small plastic thing that can fit into the palm of your hand very easily and if stood on, would probably break instantly too.
The tongue cleaner from Goodness Direct is of good quality though. It does a great job of cleaning your tongue after you have cleaned your teeth. I think that the process of getting the tongue cleaner could have been improved though because when I was ordering my free tongue cleaner, there was a slight problem that they counted P&P even though it was advertised as being free for my chosen one.
Pit Rok Tongue Cleaner gets 3.5 stars. It does the job, came quickly and ain't half bad.
P.S. If you want the link for the code, click here. Or, enter the code "32233S78" at checkout. Offer lasts until 30th Sept '09.

Thursday 20 August 2009

Competition Win - Bear Grylls Books

Woop! A first win for a while, three Bear Grylls books written by the man himself. These fictional books are designed to help children with survival tips , whilst also providing a great storyline to go with it.
For those of you who haven't seen his hit TV series, Bear Grylls is a survival expert who goes out into the harshest of places, having to survive on his survival skills and his kit alone. He has to normally get from one side of an area to the other, crossing rainforests, deserts and even Arctic Tundra.
Of the three books I won from Match of The Day Magazine, all but one have a cool 3D effect on the front, which shows an animation which is part of the story. Although I have not read the books yet (I won them today), they do look a great read! The back of the book sounds like they are going to be a exhilarating read, and even says that there are loads of "real survival tips and gruesome stuff", sweet!

Friday 14 August 2009

Competition of the Month! - Pepsi & Nokia

The first of its kind - a competition of the month! The first is the Nokia 5800 competition which is being held by Pepsi. If you haven't heard about it, then read on...
Pepsi has been renowned for its great competitions that spark up every now and then, to name a few: Max it for a £1 million and Big Nights In. However, this has got to be one of their most popular competitions. A Nokia 5800 phone, worth £300, can be won every 10 minutes if you have a Pepsi code, which can be found on their can ringpulls or on their promotional bottles. You are allowed to enter as many times as you like and can win as many as possible!
The Nokia 5800 is a great prize in my opinion, a recent, up to date mobile that people will be in awe at when they see you using its touch-screen on the bus. As a phone is given away every 10 minutes, you have to be dedicated enough to drink loads of Pepsi to eventually win a mobile. I love these sort of competitions because you'll buy Pepsi sort of everyday and then if you win a phone, its a great return for your cash!
The only drawbacks I can find with this amazing competition is that it is really annoying to hear when people have won 2 or even 3 phones when many more people are drinking their hearts out to win just one! It can be frustrating when you keep getting emails from Pepsi saying you didn't win also, but its all about dedication!!!

Monday 10 August 2009

Blue Square Premier Season Review 08-09

Once I came back from my holiday, guess what I found?(you probably guessed right because you'd seen the title you cheats!) It was a Blue Square Premier Season Review DVD of the 2008-2009 season.
Now, let me give you readers a bit of an insight of what I am like with football. I regularly go to lower league games (1.because its much cheaper, 2.its more lively and passionate). Being a fan of Stevenage Borough, I loved that Blue Square were giving away the DVDs. There are not that many merchandise that you can get for the lower league clubs, so this was great and it was free!
The DVD is in a good professional looking DVD case with images both on the DVD case and the DVD itself. It was suitably packaged and ran smoothly when I played it on my Xbox 360.
The content of the DVD has a good roundup and quick review of the 2008-2009 season. It mentions all the teams in the league and shows the great games whilst regularly updating you on where clubs are in the table. Besides that, they have also included a fan's awards part that pops up around 5 times in the DVD. It shows things like "Best goal of 08-09", "Worst Blooper of 08-09"...I particularly liked these parts as they were a breath of fresh air into the notorious football games. The DVD lasts just under 40 minutes, which I thought was just about right.
The only gripe that I have with the freebie is that there were no special features in the DVD. All you can do it watch the review and that was all. I know this may seem a bit odd, but I just wanted that little bit more.
As for rating, the Blue Square Premier Season Review 08-09 DVD gets 4 stars. Yes, it was a good freebie, but by no means great.

Thursday 30 July 2009

Contact Us Details

Sorry guys, just found out that the email address didn't work!
We have changed our email address to
This is also the address for those who want to enter the competition. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Sunday 26 July 2009

Competition - Win a mystery prize!

Our first competition is being held for Frevoo! The prize is a mystery prize and the winner will be announced on the 31 August. All you have to do is submit your name, address and email address along with the answer to this very simple question..
What is the name of the much loved children's TV show postman?
A.Postman Paul
B.Postman Pat
C.Postman Putt

Email your details and your answer to

Frevoo will not pass on any details onto any third parties and the data submitted will only be used for the competition.

Good Luck!!

Free Pringles

A post on got me another great freebie! A full sized pack of a new pringles flavour - Cheese & Chilli.
The new flavour comes under a new category of Pringles - XTREME. These are flavours that have a strong taste in the mouth, where the aftertaste lasts for a long while! Each of the flavours in the XTREME has a rating, which shows just how hot they are. The free pack I received on Saturday was rated 2 fire symbols (which is just one off the hottest flavour).
After finding the full sized pack of Pringles in my paperbox (it was too big to fit in the letterbox!), I was surprised that Pringles could send a full sized product away for free. I opened them immediately and found the whiff to be really strong. After tasting the Pringles, I was amazed at how tasty they were! They were a combination of the much loved Sour Cream and Onion and Texas BBQ (my 2 fave flavours). I loved the taste and finished the pack in quick succession.
As for rating the free pack of Pringles, I can only give 4.5 stars. Yes, its really good that they sent out a full sized pack which was tasty, but it isn't that amazing of a freebie. It didn't make my day however, it did put a smile on my face!

Friday 17 July 2009

Free Earphones

Another Boffer freebie to come through the post - has to be around my thrid from them now!
This time, the freebie was earphones. They appeared on Boffer's homepage with a weird image of a cat with headphones in from what I can remember, bit confusing. Being a freebie and from a 'small' company, I wasn't expecting the best quality headphones. The headphones came within 3 days of me ordering the freebie, so was very pleased with the efficiency. The headphones could be critisised for their poor build, but it is a freebie!
I have had some problems already with the Boffer headphones such as loss of sound when you spin the headphone jack in the socket and also which I found weird was there were small bits of plastic sticking out of the top of the headphones!
I can only give this Boffer Freebie 3 stars. It came very quickly through the post and the quality of sound that comes through them is average. If you are looking for regular freebies, then click here to go to Boffer's website and then bookmark it!

Monday 6 July 2009

Jack Daniels BBQ Brush Thing

2 days ago, what popped through my door? To be honest, I still don't really know! I'm a member of Jack Daniels club, which you can find on their website. From the forum people at, I had heard that if you join this club you get a few freebies throughout the year, and this was my first!
As you can see in the picture above, I got a brush with a sort of weird bottle opener on the other side. Now as I don't really know what this is, I will just comment on the quality of the freebie. This Jack Daniels freebie is of a good make, feeling heavy in the hand and that time was taken to make existing customers are valued. On one side is a brush, which feels like it won't just slip off the end, but last for a decent amount of time. The material is rubbery and feels good. The bottle opener is of a good quality also, embedded deep within so that it can't just be pulled off.
Yet again, this is a hard freebie to rate. For me, its usability is poor. I can't see how I would ever use this! But, what has to win this freebie some stars is that it was totally unexpected and its "heavy in hand" feel. Jack Daniels BBQ Brush Thing gets 3 stars.

Thursday 2 July 2009

Free BBC Prom Plus Tickets

After another generous post on, a couple of days ago I recieved 3 tickets to go and see BBC Prom's Plus on Sunday 26th July. Now, not being that interested in the proms, I still find these tickets to be a great freebie!
Hosted in the Royal Albert Hall, the proms are a national highlight of the year; thousands tuning in to the BBC to watch them! After receiving 3 tickets to see proms plus, at first I was confused about whether I had got actual proms tickets, which usually cost around £75, or something else. However, after a look in the brochure that came with the tickets, I found out that I am booked in to see some performances from the Royal College of Music and the Royal Geographical Society.
The seats which I have got places for are not that great, they are really high up and to the side a bit, but that is mainly because of my stupidity of not grasping some tickets straight away.
As the stars are concerned, I will not be able to give any stars to this freebie just yet. On Sunday 26th July, I will give the tickets a rating, based upon the quality of performances and the experience as a whole.

Thursday 18 June 2009

Free £50 Adwords!

Another 'expensive' freebie in a month! Its rare but I guess I'm lucky! Today, Google Adwords. I got a letter through the post today, it was from the best company in the world a.k.a Google. It said that because I was a member of Google Adsense, I could have a free £50 of AdWords. Basically, allowing me to have a taste of what AdWords is. Hopefully, this should help bring more traffic to Frevoo! I will be using the AdWords to promote the blog, but there is plenty you can do! Bookmark Frevoo, make it your homepage, tell your friends, anything to help!
The freebie did come as a surprise, as I didn't even ask for it! Just handing out £50 they are! So this has to boost the rating. However, I can see this as just a marketing tool to get Google more income and so it gets 4 of my precious stars.

Sunday 14 June 2009

Michael McIntyre Live and Laughing DVD

Yet another freebie. This time, Michael McIntyre's DVD 'Live and Laughing'. I got this freebie (worth about £10) by having to sign up to a football website,football fan cast and then having to fill out a survey.
Although this was quite a short survey, I was suspicious of the website and whether the freebie would come. It seemed too good to be true to get a DVD for basically clicking on a few option boxes. After about 2 months of waiting though, it came through the post, yesterday to be precise! It came as a big shock when I opened the parcel to find Micheal McIntyre Live and Laughing DVD.
I have watched the DVD now, and being a fan of the comedian before anyway, I found this DVD to be a great freebie! I recommend it to all and if you click here, you can find out how to get one yourself!
Michael McIntyre Live and Laughing freebie gets 4 stars, only one star off for being so late in the post.

Saturday 13 June 2009

Taste London Annual Membership

Well lucky me! One of 2000 MSE'rs to get an annual membership!! For those of you who don't know about this, taste london is a special membership program where you have to pay £69.95 for an annual membership. An annual membership with Taste London entitles you to go to about 800 restaurants and chains in london to get either 50% off your final bill or 2 for 1! In order to get one of these cards, you had to go onto their website at a certain time (14:00) on Thursday 4th June. It was on a first come, first served basis and so you had to be dedicated in order to get this 'expensive freebie'.
Being worth £69.95 for 'normal people', the Taste London membership is by far the most expensive freebie I have recieved to date. Blagged especially for moneysavingexpert's, I have missed out on this deal in the past, only recieving a one month membership instead. So I was over the moon when I knew that I would not recieve an email telling me of the disappointment and finding today an envelope on the doormat with the Taste London card enclosed.

This has got to recieve full 5 stars for this freebie! Worth just below £70, its going to be a hard to beat freebie. The amounts of savings people can make with such a card can be huge.

Tomorrow, Im using the Taste London card, will write a new post if there are any problems!

Tuesday 9 June 2009

Welcome to Frevoo

A big hello to all of you reading this. I have decided to set up a blog in the name of freebies and competitions! I will review every freebie that I get, slate the freebies I don't and review the competitions I (hopefully) win!
Frevoo Should be up and running within the week, I will try to make it as good as possible and have regularly updated content.
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