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Sunday, 14 June 2009

Michael McIntyre Live and Laughing DVD

Yet another freebie. This time, Michael McIntyre's DVD 'Live and Laughing'. I got this freebie (worth about £10) by having to sign up to a football website,football fan cast and then having to fill out a survey.
Although this was quite a short survey, I was suspicious of the website and whether the freebie would come. It seemed too good to be true to get a DVD for basically clicking on a few option boxes. After about 2 months of waiting though, it came through the post, yesterday to be precise! It came as a big shock when I opened the parcel to find Micheal McIntyre Live and Laughing DVD.
I have watched the DVD now, and being a fan of the comedian before anyway, I found this DVD to be a great freebie! I recommend it to all and if you click here, you can find out how to get one yourself!
Michael McIntyre Live and Laughing freebie gets 4 stars, only one star off for being so late in the post.

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